This section is aimed at automobile manufacturing industries or companies manufacturing components for automobile plants. This sector has been our oldest and most developed sector. Muvtons has designed and innovated products for carts, dollies, and trolleys that are used to transport automobile components to car and truck manufacturers. These trolleys and carts have to undergo a lot of rough handling on a daily basis since they are power towed by tuggers and battery operated vachile at speeds of upto 10kmph. Our products are specially designed to help meet the ergonomic safety standards of the industry. Some features of our products for this sector include:
1.Minimal pull-push efforts
2.Noise reduction
3.Prevention of damage to epoxy coated floors
4.Maintenance free casters
5.Higher service life of casters despite rough abuse
Muvtons is constantly developing newer products on a very frequent basis for this industry. A lot of product design and development takes place in this category. We use special wheel materials that improve ergonomics. We also offer specially designed suspension and spring casters that reduce noise production by over 25 decibels. All our products come with comprehensive time bound guarantees that protect the customer's investment.